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General Terms and Conditions


Terms and conditions of use for  and all our associated websites


1. Purpose


This Website is a free service provided by Learning for Well-Being in order to provide information about Learning for Well-Being foundation.


The Website is developed by:

Learning for Well-Being

8 rue Amédée Lynen, 1210 Brussels, Belgium

T: +32 (0)2 223 04 00


The Website will provide you with its services if you agree to these Terms of Use, the purpose of which is to set up the technical, practical and legal terms of the relationship between us and You.


Therefore, Learning for Well-Being invites you to read these Terms and Conditions of Use, which you unconditionally accept and promise to respect.


2. Definitions


For the application of the hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use, the words and the expressions below will have the meaning below when written in capital letters. They will have the same meaning as they are used on the plural or on the singular:



3. Website Access


The access to the Website is open to adults and children.

On a technical point of view, the Website access is allowed 24 hours a day and 7 days per week, unless in case of force majeure, possible breakdowns or any operation of maintenance necessary for the good running of the Website.


You recognize having the necessary skills and means to access and use the Website. To access the Website, You shall have a computer or any other device with an internet connection and whose parameters allow for adequate access to the Website. You declare that you are aware of the risks and accept them. You acknowledge in particular that the information that passes through or stored there may be intercepted or altered independently of the will of the Website.


Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended that You take all necessary precautions to protect your system against the effects of piracy, in particular by adopting a secure and adapted computer configuration, through the implementation of regularly updated virus detection software.


As an individual, you finally undertake not to use the services offered by Learning for Well-Being for commercial, marketing, solicitation and advertising purposes.


4. Disclaimer of Liability


Learning for Well-Being could not be held liable for any dysfunction, impossibility of access or bad condition of this equipment, to the Internet access provider, to the congestion of the Internet network, or any other reason outside Learning for Well-Being. Obviously, the expenses of electronic or phone communications linked with the use of this equipment are exclusively burdened by the User and will not be supported by Learning for Well-Being.


You acknowledge that Learning for Well-Being reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently discontinue all or part of the services. Learning for Well-Being may not be held liable in the event of temporary, partial or total unavailability of the Website, in particular in the event of maintenance, in the event of a technical incident and, more generally, in the event of an event beyond its control.


Finally, you acknowledge that Learning for Well-Being, as an host, is not responsible for the content of the comments posted there, which are the responsibility of their authors. However, Learning for Well-Being may be held liable if it is proven that it has been informed of clearly illegal content and has not acted promptly to remove it. 


5. Intellectual Property Rights


Learning for Well-Being and all the elements which compose it in particular the marks, logos, photographs, programs, data, data bases, images animated or not, sounds, drawings, graphics, videos or texts and other than those relating to links towards third sites are the property of Learning for Well-Being or are the object of a license granted to its profit by any holder of intellectual property rights.


All these elements are subject to the provisions of the intellectual property code and, as such, are protected against any unauthorized use by law or these General Conditions of Use under penalty - in the event of failure - of legal proceedings. Learning for Well-Being’s consultation does not imply any license or assignment of rights with respect to Learning for Well-Being elements, except as expressly provided on Learning for Well-Being. Any copy, reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification, distribution, in whole or in part, of Learning for Well-Being as well as all or part of its content, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, is unlawful, unless prior agreement has been obtained from the Director of Publication or the holder of the rights relating to the Learning for Well-Being element in question.


You are authorized to consult, view and download the documents and information available under the following conditions:


  • the documents may be used only for personal purposes, for information and in a strictly private context in accordance with intellectual property laws;

  • documents and information cannot be modified in any way.


The rights granted to You constitute a simple authorization of use and in no case an assignment of the intellectual property rights relating to the elements of Learning for Well-Being. All distinctive signs, logos and trademarks appearing on Learning for Well-Being are the property of or licensed to Learning for Well-Being and are protected by the provisions of the intellectual property laws relating to trademark law, design law and civil liability.


Any unauthorized use of Learning for Well-Being’s content or information, in particular for commercial exploitation, may be prosecuted on the basis of an action for infringement and/or an action for unfair competition and/or parasitism on the part of the holders of the rights in question.


6. Modification


Learning for Well-Being reserves the right to modify the hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use. These modifications will come into effect as soon they are activated on the Website.

For this reason, Learning for Well-Being encourages the Users to regularly consult the Website and the hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use pursuant to an evaluation of its service.


7. Governing Law / Jurisdiction


The hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by, construed and applied in accordance with Belgian law.

Any legal disputes arising from the construing, modification, implementation, or rescinding of the hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use will, in the absence of an amicable settlement, be under the exclusive jurisdiction of Belgian courts.


8. Language


The hereby General Terms and Conditions of Use are available in French and English. Together, they form one document. However, in the event of any objections or discrepancies between the two versions, the French version will prevail. 

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